Extend your runway to reach your financial goals

re:cap provides you with the funding that aligns with your business plan. Finance up to 60% of your ARR and repay in up to 60 months.
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Trusted by over 1000 founders like you

Funding designed to fit your business

Each business is unique, which is why its funding should be tailored to its ambition. Don't settle for generic funding that anyone can access. Instead, get money that aligns with your specific requirements, cash balance, and goals.

Explore funding

The repayment horizon your business needs

Whether it's 12 or 60 months – you choose the payback period that aligns best with your business needs.

You have a goal, we help you get there

Do you want to create a cash buffer to reach profitability, postpone your equity round, or cover a large on-time expense? No matter what, we have the funding solution that fits your needs.

Avoid overfunding and excessive cost of capital

Funding comes at a cost, so it’s crucial to secure the precise amount you need. Don't let your cash sit idle; avoid overfunding that burdens your capital costs. Instead, opt for tailored funding.

Find out how much funding you could get

Simply answer four short questions to see how much financing you could get and at which terms.

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Your ideal funding setup

If you’re a SaaS company or bring recurring revenues to the table, re:cap is the perfect partner to support your funding needs.


Subscription business model

Your business generates predictable recurring revenue.

EU-based company

Your legal entities are at least partly located in the EU.

Sufficient runway

You have at least six months of runway, are profitable or close to break even when drawing the funding.

Reach new heights with re:cap

Get access to our funding and benchmarking platform and receive your funding offer or talk to one of our experts to find out how re:cap can fund your way to growth.